Beginning July 25, 2020, following the Governor's Executive Order, face masks are required at North Heights to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. MORE


Emergency Number

In case of death or hospitalization, call the North Heights 24/7 emergency number at 612-509-4962.

Tuesday Communion

Communion & Devotions

Tuesdays, 9:30am, Roseville Fellowship Hall
Gathering to up to 50 for Communion, prayer, devotions and biblical teaching to encourage and help people move from despair to hope. Open to everyone. Contact  .

counseling clinic

Counseling Clinic

Thursdays, 3–7pm, Arden Hills
Do you need help and healing? North Heights offers confidential, Christ-centered counseling for individuals, couples and families by trained counselors. This vital healing ministry is available regardless of your ability to pay. Start the intake process by calling 651-797-7484 and leaving your information. We will send you an intake packet to complete followed by scheduling your appointment. Appointments may be virtual or at the Arden Hills campus.



Thursdays, 6:30–7:30pm
Weekly grief support through Zoom is for anyone needing help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. GriefShare consists of discussion around a 13-week video series and a workbook ($15/plus shipping). Facilitated by supportive and encouraging people who have been there and have worked through their grief. Contact Phyllis at 651-639-8226 or email.


The holidays can be particularly hard with its emphasis on family, traditions, social events and being "merry." Those who are grieving the loss of a loved one would just like to skip or avoid them.

Surviving the Holidays is a free online seminar with practical advice on how to deal with grief during the holidays. Knowing what to expect during the holidays and being prepared can lesson the emotional impact. This is our goal and hope.

During our virtual time together, we will begin with:

  • Welcome, introductions and opening prayer
  • Watch a 40-minute Surviving the Holidays video that is Bible-based, Christ -entered and prepared by Church Initiative
  • Time for discussion
  • Sharing available resources and closing prayer

If you are interested in joining us, contact Phyllis at 651-639-8226 or email.


Contact Rob Fitzer at 651-583-4378.


Citizens Supporting Our Armed Forces (CSOAF) ships care packages to our troops around the world every month. Bring items (hygiene items, protein bars, coffee, jerky, wet wipes, etc.) to the donate bins at Arden Hills Door A and B and Roseville Narthex. Contact Bob Schule 651-295-9711.


Contact: Nancy Goodmanson or 651-797-7803


Contact: Diane Armstrong or 651-797-7832


Contact: Jan Bergstrom or 651-481-1519

Funeral Guide

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16b

Need Prayer?

Let us know how we can pray for you.
All prayer request are kept confidential.

Prayer Request


Pastor Updates

Timely encouragement from God's Word by Pastor TJ with weekly updates. Watch Now

God is on the Move

Ways God is moving at North Heights and beyond. Watch Now

Faith Stories

North Heights members share how God is moving in their lives through salvation, transformation and healing. Watch

Arden Hills Campus

1700 West Highway 96
Arden Hills, Minnesota MN

Roseville Campus

2701 Rice Street
Roseville, Minnesota MN

(651) 797-7800