Beginning July 25, 2020, following the Governor's Executive Order, face masks are required at North Heights to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. MORE

The Gospel is on its Way!

North Heights Operation Christmas Child ministry coordinators, Joyce Halverson and Laurie Palermo.

The Gospel is on its Way

In 2019 North Heights became an Operation Christmas Child Regional Drop Off Center. This year we have been busier than ever thanks to the generosity of North Heights and surrounding communities.

Operation Christmas Child transports hand-packed gift-filled shoeboxes to children in need around the world with the Gospel in their native language. North Heights has been participating in this global Gospel sharing ministry for decades.

Last week, 20 cheerful, willing and able volunteers–ages 6 on up, processed 3,874 gift-filled shoeboxes into 265 shipping cartons and transported the cartons to the Operation Christmas Child delivery center. Thank you for your 284 volunteer hours!

“COVID didn’t even slow down the generosity of North Heights members this year,” says Laurie Palermo, one of North Heights OCC ministry coordinators. “Six-hundred-and-fifty-two shoeboxes were contributed by North Heights members this year which was more than last year without the virus!”

Laurie went on to say that the success was so great that they ran out of shipping cartons after the third day and still had over 2,600 shoeboxes yet to deliver to the Operation Christmas Child delivery center!

“As a congregation and as a Regional OCC Drop Off Center, North Heights packed 3,874 shoeboxes into the shipping cartons lining the hall by Door A,” says North Heights OCC ministry coordinator, Joyce Halverson. “That’s 3,874 children who will be blessed with the love of Jesus!”

Volunteers, including Pastor Jordan transported the shipping crates into trailers to deliver to the Operation Christmas Child delivery center.

One of several trips to the Operation Christmas Child delivery center.

By Friday, 3,874 gift-filled shoeboxes were on their way to children in need around the world who will hear the Gospel this Christmas in their native tongue! 

Do these gift-filled shoe boxes make a difference?

Watch this episode of Coffee with the Pastors. Pastor TJ talks with Ives, a young man whose family escaped genocide in Rwanda. Hear his story about how he met Jesus in an Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift with a sticky note which transformed his life for eternity. Watch Video»

North Heights Lutheran Church  |  1700 West Highway 96, Arden Hills, MN 55112  |  (651) 797-7800

Seventy-eight new students blessed with Christian education!

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it (

Proverbs 22:6).

The future of the next generation depends on quality Christian education. At North Heights we are committed to providing Christ-centered, academically strong education to our families. 

NHCA School Entrance

Give a Gift of Christian Education

In September of 2019, we launched the Give a Gift of Christian Education Fund. This fund was started to encourage new students to enroll at our academy by providing scholarships. Additionally, North Heights is absolutely committed to the success of our Christian Academy.

Seventy-eight new students blessed with Christian education!

We are happy to report how God is on the Move through the Give a Gift of Christian Education Fund. With the help of Pastor Morris Vaagenes who celebrated his 90th birthday and donated cash gifts to the fund along with his continued commitment to our school, we raised over $81,000 for the fund. Through this, a total of 78 new students enrolled this year and families received a $1,000 scholarship. That’s 78 new students with a $78,000 commitment.

Here’s what some of our Give a Gift of Christian Education scholarship recipients say:

“When we found out NHCA had a new student scholarship available it helped make ends meet for us for her to attend this year. She literally cried tears of joy knowing she could go back to NHCA! Thank you for making this possible for our daughter”! KS

“Our family was blessed with the gift of a scholarship for two of our children (Henry and Peter) to attend school this year.  This generosity definitely helped us overcome financial hurdles and we are very grateful”. NR

“We believe the benefits of this will still be seen for generations and we won’t fully even know the difference it all made this side of heaven. Thank you all so much for your generosity.” JB

“Our family is so grateful for the scholarship we received. Without the help of the scholarship, he would still be in public school, and would be learning that loving Jesus is not cool or even acceptable.  Thank you for blessing our family with this gift.” JL

“We were so overwhelmed by the generosity of receiving the scholarship! NHCA is truly the best school ever, we are so honored and blessed to be a part of such a great school”! TJ

“Thank you for your gifts!  We are grateful for the long-term impact it will have on the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of our children, particularly in this tumultuous year.” KW

“Upon learning of the new student scholarship, we were encouraged financially and subsequently, so were his grandparents who both took some money out of their retirement to help fund his Christian schooling.  God bless you all in your quest to teach our children about God each day and send them home singing :) These kids will change the world!" TS

We are excited to keep the momentum going for the Give a Gift of Christian Education Scholarship Fund. Will you help us by taking part in this life-changing program through your donations for the 2021-2022 school year and beyond? 

Donations can be in the form of cash, appreciated stock or transfers from your IRA. In some cases, you may satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). Contact Orlando at 651-797-7826 or .

Give a Gift of Christian Education

Give online»

Or mail your donation:
North Heights Lutheran Church
Attn: Give a Gift of a Christian Education
1700 West Highway 96
Arden Hills, MN 55112

1700 West Highway 96, Arden Hills, MN 55112  |  (651) 797-7800


Posted by John Oldfield


Arden Hills Campus

1700 West Highway 96
Arden Hills, Minnesota MN

Roseville Campus

2701 Rice Street
Roseville, Minnesota MN

(651) 797-7800